Resource Guide:
Websites and Digital Archives
The following websites are librarian-evaluated to provide trustworthy information for your topic. They include digitized collections connected to your topic.
- Dante Worlds
- Dartmouth Dante Project
- Princeton Dante Project
- The World of Dante
- Dante Society of America
- Electronic Bulletin of the Dante Society of America
- Digital Dante
- Renaissance Dante in Print
- Societa Dantesca Italiana
- Dante in Text and Literature
- The ORB: Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies
Subject Headings
Subject headings are selected terms to represent a topic. Searching subject headings in the library catalog will bring the most complete list of results. Below are some example subject headings. More subject headings can be located in the red books at the reference desk.
- Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321
- Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, Biography
- Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, Characters
- Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, Criticism and interpretation
- Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, Philosophy
- Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, Dante, Inferno
- Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, Divine comedy
- Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, Influence
- Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, Political and social views
- Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, Religion
Research Databases
The following databases are specifically useful for your topic. You can search them individually on the databases page.
- ArchiveGrid
- Bridgeman Art Library
- Dictionary of Literary Biography
- Fuente Académica
- Humanities International Complete
- Literature Resources from Gale
- National Gallery Collection
- OAISter
- Religion and Philosophy Collection
Online Journals
The following journals supply articles to the library’s databases. You can see if a specific journal supplies articles to our databases by searching the journal title on the library journal page.
- Dante Newsletter
- Dante Studies
- Lectura Dantis
- Forum Italicum
- Annali di Italianistica
- Italian Studies
- Journal of Medieval History
- Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
- Comitatus