Resource Guide:
Early Christian History
Websites and Digital Archives
The following websites are librarian-evaluated to provide trustworthy information for your topic. They include digitized collections connected to your topic.
Subject Headings
Subject headings are selected terms to represent a topic. Searching subject headings in the library catalog will bring the most complete list of results. Below are some example subject headings. More subject headings can be located in the red books at the reference desk.
- Christianity—Origin
- Christian Literature—History and criticism
- Church history—Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600
- Theology, Doctrinal—History—Early church, ca. 30-600
- Episcopacy
- Judaism—Relations—Christianity
Research Databases
The following databases are specifically useful for your topic. You can search them individually on the databases page.
- Academic Search Complete
- ArchiveGrid
- Encyclopedia Britannica
- Encyclopedia of Religion
- Humanities International Complete
- Loeb Classical Library
- National Gallery Collection
- Philosopher’s Index
- Religion and Philosophy Collection
- Wiley Online Library
Online Journals
The following journals supply articles to the library’s databases. You can see if a specific journal supplies articles to our databases by searching the journal title on the library journal page.
- Christian Studies
- Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture
- Church history and religious culture
- Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism
- Religious Studies and Theology
- Renewing Minds: A Journal of Christian Thought
- Studies in World Christianity
- Studies in World Christianity and Interreligious Relations
Print Materials at the Von Canon Library
Below are some selected materials in the library with their shelving locations. Browsing in the listed areas of the library will help you find more materials for your topic.
Title | Call Number |
Early Christian spirituality | BR 195 .C5 E37 |
The Early Christian Church: volume 1: The first Christian century. | BR 165 .C33 v.1 |
The first urban Christians: the social world of the Apostle Paul. | BR 166 .M44 |
Three Christian capitals: topography and politics. | DG 63 .K7 |
Early Christian Art | N 7832 .M4313 1967 |
Christianity in the Roman Empire: Key figures, and beliefs, and practices of the early church, AD 100-300. | eBook 2019 |
The Early Christian Centuries | eBook 2014 |
Episcopal Networks in Late Antiquity: Connection and communication across boundaries. | eBook 2019 |
A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith | eBook 2019 |