Resource Guide:
Foundations of Education
Digital Open Education Resources
Websites and Digital Archives
The following websites are librarian-evaluated to provide trustworthy information for your topic. They include digitized collections connected to your topic.
Subject Headings
Subject headings are selected terms to represent a topic. Searching subject headings in the library catalog will bring the most complete list of results. Below are some example subject headings. More subject headings can be located in the red books at the reference desk.
- Education
- Education‚ Philosophy
- Education‚ Philosophy‚ History
- Education‚ United States‚ Philosophy
- Education‚ Aims and objectives
- Education‚ History
- Education‚ United States
- Education‚ United States‚ History
- Education‚ Social aspects
- Education‚ Study and teaching
- Educational planning
- Educational psychology
- Educational anthropology
- Learning
- Learning, Psychology of
- Multicultural education
- Arts‚ Study and teaching
- Critical pedagogy
- Politics and education
Research Databases
The following databases are specifically useful for your topic. You can search them individually on the databases page.
- Academic Search Complete
- Chronicle of Higher Education
- Debating Issues in American Education
- Education Research Complete
- Encyclopedia Britannica
- Handbook of Psychology, 2nd Ed.
- Oxford Reference
- Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
- Statista
- Teacher Reference Center
- Wiley Online Library
Online Journals
The following journals supply articles to the library’s databases. You can see if a specific journal supplies articles to our databases by searching the journal title on the library journal page.
- Educational Studies
- Educational Philosophy and Theory
- Educational Theory
- Journal of Philosophy of Education
- Philosophy of Education
- Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal
- Philosophy of Music Education Review
- Studies in Philosophy and Education
Print Materials at the Von Canon Library
Below are some selected materials in the library with their shelving locations. Browsing in the listed areas of the library will help you find more materials for your topic.
Title | Call Number |
Saving schools : from Horace Mann to virtual learning | LA 226 .P44 2010 |
The Paulo Freire reader | LB 880 .F7613 1993 |
Montessori : the science behind the genius | LB 1029 .M75 L53 2017 |
Teaching outside the box but inside the standards : making room for dialogue | LB 1034 .T43 2015 |
Approaches to educational and social inclusion : international perspectives on theory, policy and key challenges | LC 214 .A77 2017 |
Teaching as if life matters : the promise of a new education culture | LC 995 .U37 2011 |
Creating the path to success in the classroom : teaching to close the graduation gap for minority, first-generation, and academically unprepared students | LC 3731 .G325 2018 |
Look to the mountain : an ecology of indigenous education | E 96 .C35 1994 |
Politics of liberation : paths from Freire | HM 271 .P63 1994 |
The mind of the child : child development in literature, science and medicine | PR 468 .C5 S58 2010 |
Teaching the female brain : how girls learn math and science | QA 11.2 .J36 2009 |
Teaching Social Foundations of Education : Contexts, Theories, and Issues | eBook 2005 |
Poststructuralism, philosophy, pedagogy | eBook 2004 |
A companion to the philosophy of education | eBook 2003 |
Education, knowledge, and truth beyond the postmodern impasse | eBook 2003 |
The philosophy of human learning | eBook 2002 |
The aims of education | eBook 2002 |
Methods in philosophy of education | eBook 2001 |
Fifty modern thinkers on education from Piaget to the present | eBook 2001 |