Von Canon Library Von Canon Library

Resource Guide:
History of the Holocaust

Websites and Digital Archives

Subject Headings

Subject headings are selected terms to represent a topic. Searching subject headings in the library catalog will bring the most complete list of results. Below are some example subject headings. More subject headings can be located in the red books at the reference desk.

  • Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)
  • World War 1939-1945 – Jews
  • Antisemitism
  • Concentration Camps –Germany
  • Treblinka (Concentration Camp)
  • Hydrocyanic acid gas
  • Holocaust Survivors
  • Holocaust Denial
  • Eugenics Germany
  • Einsatzgruppen Trial, Nuremberg, 1947-1948
  • Operation Reinhard, Poland, 1942-1943
  • Kindertransports (Rescue operations)
  • Jewish children in the Holocaust
  • Jewish Literature and Culture
  • Pogrom — Russia

Research Databases

Online Journals

The following journals supply articles to the library’s databases. You can see if a specific journal supplies articles to our databases by searching the journal title on the library journal page.

  • Simon Wiesenthal Center Annual
  • Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Study
  • World War II
  • Jewish History
  • Jewish Social Studies
  • Jewish Quarterly Review
  • Shofar

Print Materials at the Von Canon Library

Below are some selected materials in the library with their shelving locations. Browsing in the listed areas of the library will help you find more materials for your topic.

Title Call Number
Holocaust Literature: An Encyclopedia of Writers and Their WorkCredo Reference
Inside the gas chambers : eight months in the Sonderkommando…D 805.5 .B57 V4613 2009
Advocate for the doomedE 748 .M1475 .A3 2007
Remembering and imagining the Holocaust : the chain of memoryPN 56 .H55 B54 2006
Hitler’s bounty hunters : the betrayal of the JewsD 802 .N4 L5413 2005
Ponary diary, 1941-1943 : a bystander’s account of a mass murderDS 135 .L52 V5569 2005
The historiography of the HolocaustD 804.348 .H57 2004
Children writing the HolocaustPN 56 .H55 V53 2004
After-words : post-Holocaust struggles with forgiveness…D 894 .A38 2004
Literature of the HolocaustPN 56 .L575 2003
War & genocide : a concise history of the HolocaustDD 256.5 .B3916 2002
Architects of annihilation : Auschwitz and the logic of destructionD 804.3 .A44 2002
Hitler’s willing executioners : ordinary Germans and the HolocaustD 804.3 .G648 1996
Denying the Holocaust : the growing assault on truth and memoryD 804 .L669 1994
Children and play in the Holocaust : games among the shadowsD 810 .J4 .E35 1988
“The Good old days” : the Holocaust as seen by its perpetrators…D 804.3 .S3613 1988
Maus : a survivor’s taleD 810 .J4 S643 1986
Vichy France and the JewsDS 135 .F83 M38 1981
The destruction of the European JewsD 804.3 .H548 v.1-3
Shoah : an oral history of the HolocaustDVD D 810 Shoah
The myth of rescue why the democracies could not have saved more Jewse-Book
Roots of hate anti-semitism in Europe before the Holocauste-Book
The business of genocide: the SS, slave labor, and the concentration…e-Book
Were we our brothers’ keepers? the public response of American Jews…e-Book