Resource Guide:
Websites and Digital Archives
The following websites are librarian-evaluated to provide trustworthy information for your topic. They include digitized collections connected to your topic.
Subject Headings
Subject headings are selected terms to represent a topic. Searching subject headings in the library catalog will bring the most complete list of results. Below are some example subject headings. More subject headings can be located in the red books at the reference desk.
- Metaphysics
- Metaphysics -- Early works to 1800
- Causation
- Free will and determinism
- Nominalism
- Reality
- Realism
- Anti-realism
- Conceptualism
- Essentialism (Philosophy)
- Mind-body relations, Metaphysical
- Space and time
- Ontology
- Hylomorphism
Research Databases
The following databases are specifically useful for your topic. You can search them individually on the databases page.
- Academic Search Complete
- ArchiveGrid
- Encyclopedia Britannica
- Encyclopedia of Religion
- Humanities International Complete
- Literature Resources from Gale
- Loeb Classical Library
- MasterFILE Premier
- Oxford English Dictionary
- Oxford Reference
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
- PubChem
- PubMed
- Religion and Philosophy Collection
- Wiley Online Library
Online Journals
The following journals supply articles to the library’s databases. You can see if a specific journal supplies articles to our databases by searching the journal title on the library journal page.
- Analysis & Metaphysics
- Metaphysica
- Disputatio: International Journal of Philosophy
- Philosophy Compass
- Open Journal of Philosophy
- Acta Analytica
- Phronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy (Brill)
- British Journal for the History of Philosophy
- Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
- Thought: A Journal of Philosophy
- Philosophy East & West
- Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition
Print Materials at the Von Canon Library
Below are some selected materials in the library with their shelving locations. Browsing in the listed areas of the library will help you find more materials for your topic.
Title | Call Number |
Metaphysics. Book [lambda] / Aristotle; translated with an introduction and commentary by Lindsay Judson | B 434 .A5 J83 2019 |
Metaphysics: A Contemporary Introduction | BD 131 .L83 2017 |
Kant’s Modal Metaphysics | B 2799 .M5 S72 2016 |
Locke's touchy subjects: Materialism and Immortality | B 1297 .J65 2015 |
Free: Why Science Hasn’t Disproved Free Will | BJ 1461 .M453 2014 |
Causation: A User’s Guide | BD 541 .P38 2013 |
Locke’s Metaphysics | B 1297 .S78 2013 |
Time, Space and Metaphysics | BD 632 .R86 2009 |
Free Will: A Very Short Introduction | BJ 1461 .P54 2004 |
Object and Property | BD 336 .D46 1995 |
Free Will and Determinism | BJ 1461 .B47 1966 |
Identity and Difference | BD 236 .H413 1969 |
Oxford Studies in Metaphysics (Volumes 2-10, excluding 6 & 8) | eBook 2017 |
Universal Science: An Introduction to Islamic Metaphysics eBook | eBook 2017 |
Centering and Extending: An Essay on Metaphysical Sense | eBook 2016 |
Free Will As an Open Scientific Problem | eBook (2010) |