Resource Guide:
Western Civilization 2
Digital Open Education Resources
Websites and Digital Archives
The following websites are librarian-evaluated to provide trustworthy information for your topic. They include digitized collections connected to your topic.
Subject Headings
Subject headings are selected terms to represent a topic. Searching subject headings in the library catalog will bring the most complete list of results. Below are some example subject headings. More subject headings can be located in the red books at the reference desk.
- Renaissance
- Scientific Revolution
- Reformation
- Protestant Reformation
- Mercantile system
- Capitalism
- Habsburg OR Hapsburg
- Colonialism
- Colonies -- History
- Colonization -- History
- World War, 1914-1918
- Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920)
- Versailles, Treaty of, June 28, 1919 (Germany)
- World War, 1939-1945–Europe
- World War, 1939-1945–Pacific Area
- World War, 1939-1945–Moral and ethical aspects
- Cold War, 1945-1989
- Communism
- Germany (West)
- Post-communism
- Democratization
- Neocolonialism
Research Databases
The following databases are specifically useful for your topic. You can search them individually on the databases page.
- Academic Search Complete
- ArchiveGrid
- Civil War: Antebellum to Reconstruction
- Defining Documents in American History
- Encyclopedia Britannica
- Encyclopedia of Religion
- European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750
- HeinOnline
- Humanities International Complete
- MasterFILE Premier
- Military & Government Collection
- Newspaper Source Plus
- OAISter
- Oxford Reference
- Proquest Dissertations and Theses Global
- Wiley Online Library
- Women’s Studies International
Online Journals
The following journals supply articles to the library’s databases. You can see if a specific journal supplies articles to our databases by searching the journal title on the library journal page.
- American Communist History
- Britain and the World
- Central European History
- Economic History Review
- European Affairs
- European History Quarterly
- European Legacy
- Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies (online)
- The German Quarterly
Print Materials at the Von Canon Library
Below are some selected materials in the library with their shelving locations. Browsing in the listed areas of the library will help you find more materials for your topic.
Title | Call Number |
Taking Sides: Clashing views on controversial issues in Western Civilization | CB 245 .T287 2000 |
World War I: the essential reference guide | D 510 .W68 2016 |
World War II: the definitive encyclopedia and document collection | D 740 .E516 2016 |
1989: the struggle to create post-Cold War Europe | D 860 .S2694 2009 |
Burned Bridge: how East and West Germans made the Iron Curtain | DD 258.85 .G35 S44 2011 |
Transatlantic slavery: against human dignity | E 441 .T69 1994 |
Slavery and the slave trade: a short illustrated history | HT 861 .W34 |
Crossings: Africa, the Americas and the Atlantic Slave Trade | eBook 2013 |
European Monarchies From 1814 to 1906 : A Century of Restorations | eBook 2017 |
Consumption and Violence: Radical Protest in Cold-War West Germany | eBook 2014 |